“Worldwide recipes”, self-published by S Reynolds
This book was compiled by Shirley Reynolds, who asked friends and family to contribute their favourite tried-and-true recipes from their diverse families, backgrounds and countries, for this book. ...
White people: let’s talk about racism in Australia
This article is about the type of racism I have witnessed the most: racism directed by White Australians at First Nations people. * The in-your-face racism in the northern half of Australia, and...
Buibere – volumes 1 and 2. Self-published oral histories of 22 East Timorese women, in Tetun and English
Acknowledgement Sally-Anne Watson Kane would like to acknowledge and thank her mentor, friend and bi'in, ita bo'ot Veronica Pereira, for the professional and cultural assistance and support she pr...
‘Their life, their times’ by Tony Taylor (self-published book)
On Time Typing, Editing and Proofreading produced the following book, which was self-published July 2021, for our Victoria-based client, author Tony Taylor: Copyright: Tony Taylor 2021 Titl...
Increased learning opportunities for rural and remote Australians since COVID-19
One of the positive responses to COVID-19 was the immediate and widespread use of online platforms (Zoom, Webex, Whats App, GoogleTeams etc.) for workshops, seminars, meetings and discussions. T...
“My Story” – self-published memoir by S Reynolds
'My Story' - a self-published memoir spanning Shirley Reynolds' childhood and parts of her adult life - was partly written, partly told by author Shirley Reynolds, and produced by On Time Typing,...
Writers and editors – how our clients’ needs changed, as a result of COVID19
When you are running a writing or editing business, you need to understand the needs and expectations of your clients, and (2) adapt your business practices to meet those needs and expectations. Th...
Working at home with kids remote-learning at home, during COVID-19
Working from home Luckily I have an office with a door that can be closed. Luckily I have been working from home for 19 years so I know the importance of work/life balance, and how to stay focused...
Growing your own winter vegies during COVID lockdowns (in S-E Australia)
With many people now working at home, we are spending more time in our back yards. So what better time to start a vegie patch. If you live in south-east Australia, and want to grow your own vege...
Moe library – a great place for community groups or events
Since the Moe library (Frank Bartlett Memorial Library and Moe Service Centre) opened in 2016, it has become a regular meeting place for community groups, and the venue of choice for events held by...