
FAQs about: beta reading, manuscript assessment, and developmental editing

1. What is the most helpful? (A) a beta read, or (B) a manuscript assessment (also called a manuscript appraisal), or developmental edit (also called structural edit or substantive edit)? A beta r...

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Self-publishing a printed book – what’s best for you: traditional printing, or POD printing?

Once your book is designed (typeset) - both cover and inside pages - and is ready to be printed, you need to send it to the printer. There are two main types of printers of hardcopy books: ...

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Editing fiction and non-fiction: a comparison

The purpose of editing any publication, whether standard non-fiction or fiction/creative non-fiction, is to make the corrections needed to ensure the writer's intended meaning, story and voice, are...

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Self-publishing: the importance of “white space” in your book

A book's "white space" (or "negative space") is the parts that are not covered by text or images. That is, in a white-background type of book, it is literally all the white space around and in betw...

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Self-publishing: How to “tag” the images in your manuscript, prior to design

So, you've written and self-edited your manuscript (MS), as a Word document. You've made sure it is structurally sound. You believe it is ready to be handed to an editor for a "final copy edit", be...

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“Worldwide recipes”, self-published by S Reynolds

This book was compiled by Shirley Reynolds, who asked friends and family to contribute their favourite tried-and-true recipes from their diverse families, backgrounds and countries, for this book. ...

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Why get an ISBN and barcode for your self-published book?

Why get an ISBN, or a barcode, for your self-published book? What is an ISBN? 'ISBN' stands for ' International Standard Book Number'. It is used to identify published (including self-published) ...

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Self-publishing case study: the path from handwritten MS to ‘printer stage’

This detailed case study is about a manuscript (MS) written by Michael Cusick in 2017-18, that was typed, edited and designed by On Time Typing, Editing and Proofreading, and self-published in mid-...

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What’s the difference between beta reading and a manuscript assessment?

The differences between beta reading and manuscript assessment are... Beta reading Beta readers come from all walks of life and industries. They need to be well-read but are not usually editors. ...

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How is editing poetry different to editing prose?

Poetry is different to prose (if you want to know exactly how it's different, click here). And editing poetry needs a different approach to editing prose. Different level of collaboration When li...

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