Do you need your memoir manuscript typed? For storytellers or hand-writers.
If you want to tell or write your story and get it made into a book, but cannot use a computer, you may want your manuscript typed up for you. The below advice might help you if you (a) want to ...
Recording telephone meetings for transcription
It's pretty easy to record a telephone meeting these days but there are a few things you should know. Request permission before recording In some states and territories of Australia, it is illega...
On Time Typing Accurate Transcripts: presentation
Our Accurate Transcripts are presented as follows. Transcripts of one on one interviews, discussions or focus groups are 'verbatim'. They reflect all the recorded words as well as most sounds,...
Recording and documenting oral histories
An oral history is a spoken or documented record of someone's memories of their own life experiences. Oral histories are handed down from generation to generation, or stories of someone's own life....
The best way to produce accurate minutes
The main goal of minute-taking (or 'scribing') a meeting is to accurately record and clearly present the proceedings and outcomes of the meeting. Accurate minutes are necessary for meeting atten...
Audio transcription – our clients
We have been producing transcripts of interviews, focus groups and meetings since 2002. Clients of our audio transcription services include... Non-government and government agencies: NintiOne...
Audio transcription programs and tools
To produce transcripts yourself, you need a transcription program, headset (earphones) and footpedal. If you're shopping around for an audio transcription program, make sure you do some research...
How to increase your typing speed
'Touch-typing' means being able to type without looking at the keys because you've memorised where they are. Can you touch-type? Click this link if you're not sure what touch-typing is, or whethe...
Editing oral history transcripts
Oral histories can remain as recordings of oral stories, or they can be transcribed into oral history transcripts. For more information about recording and transcribing oral histories go to: Record...
How to produce accurate transcripts of interviews and focus groups
To produce accurate transcripts of interviews and focus groups, you need: suitable audio transcription software and equipment accurate touch-typing skills excellent ears (hearing and lis...