Sally-Anne Watson Kane’s professional development in writing and editing
Professional development: writing and editing non-fiction, memoir, poetry, fiction Sally-Anne's Professional memberships and voluntary roles professional member of Institute of Professional E...
FAQs about: beta reading, manuscript assessment, and structural or developmental editing
1. What is the most helpful - (A) a beta read, or (B) a manuscript assessment, or developmental or structural edit? (a) A beta read... Beta reading can be helpful in assisting you to know the fl...
Structural or developmental editing – what is it?
Once a manuscript has been written and self-edited by the writer to the stage where they feel they can't improve it any more themselves, it needs to be edited by a professional editor. Structura...
The On Time Typing, Editing and Proofreading team
On Time Typing, Editing and Proofreading (OTTEP) is owned and operated by Sally-Anne Watson Kane assisted by a team of highly experienced typists, writers, scribes, editors, graphic designers and t...
Editing: how to make your book more accessible to people with reading difficulties
This article is about editing and producing publications in a way that makes them more accessible to people who have reading difficulties caused by dyslexia, limited literacy, or other conditions o...
Comparing editors’ quotes when managing a project
Depending on the size of your project, and whether you are working for yourself or an employer, you may choose to: obtain a quote from only one editor, or request a quote from two or three...
Choosing the best editor for your project
When choosing an editor for your project you need to make sure the editor is professional, has the right experience, is recommended by referees, understands the exact task, provides you with a writ...
The three editing stages: for books, reports or other documents
If you have written a document that you intend to publish or circulate in the public arena, it needs to be presented so those readers will read and understand it. Whether your document is a repo...