FAQs about: beta reading, manuscript assessment, and structural or developmental editing
1. What is the most helpful - (A) a beta read, or (B) a manuscript assessment, or developmental or structural edit? (a) A beta read... Beta reading can be helpful in assisting you to know the fl...
The steps of producing a self-published hardcopy book
The steps of producing a self-published hardcopy book are: writing and self-editing (including, possibly, beta reading and/or MS appraisal) editing graphic design proofreading, then p...
Poetry Manuscript Assessment Checklist
On Time Typing, Editing and Proofreading: reads and reviews your poetry book manuscript, then writes a manuscript assessment report based on our Checklist. Poetry Manuscript Assessment ...
What’s the difference between beta reading and a manuscript assessment?
The differences between beta reading and manuscript assessment are... Beta reading Beta readers come from all walks of life and industries. They need to be well-read but are not usually editors. ...