Our approach to coaching clients in writing and self-editing

Our approach to coaching clients in writing and self-editing depends on each writer’s goals and support needs. In general our approach is as follows.
Our approach to coaching you (the writer)
First we work out your goals. Then we work out the best approach to guide, coach and/or support you to meet those goals. We can coach, support and guide you in writing or self-editing your novel, short stories, poetry, memoir, articles, journals or other non-fiction writing. We are nurturing and honest, sensitive to your needs and committed to helping you grow and reach your full potential as a writer.
Our editor coaches will work with you in a collaborative way to improve, expand on and enhance your story and support you in self-editing, while always ensuring you retain your own original voice and full ownership of your written work.
If due to your disability you need manual support to write into a computer, our storyteller scribes/coaches can type as you speak to document your story.
Our specific tasks when coaching you in writing/self-editing
Depending on your specific goals, we can:
- work with and support you so you are motivated to continue writing or self-editing between coaching sessions
- help you clarify your target audience and goals for a particular piece of writing
- help you better organise your files, and self-edit your stories, manuscript or other documents
- coach you in the specific aspect of writing you want to improve on, to meet your goals
- teach you about structural editing, syntax, punctuation
- review your work and give you guidance or suggestions (coaching support) via Track Changes, email, Zoom, phone or other methods
- work with you regularly or only every now and then, depending on your needs and wishes. We only charge you for the actual hours of coaching work we do.
Coaching support specifically for NDIS participants
Many of our clients are NDIS participants who are neurodivergent or have conditions or disabilities that make it difficult for them to write, stay focused on their writing, improve their writing and self-editing skills, or be motivated to continue their writing project/written work.
Our clients include people who are autistic, dyslexic, or have OCD, ADHD, schizophrenia, personality disorder, PTSD, Bipolar Disorder, short-term memory loss, cognitive difficulties, and other disabilities and conditions.
We coach and collaborate with our disabled and neurodivergent clients to enable them to:
- tell their stories verbally, and we type/document that content for them
- decide the genre and audience for their story/written work
- learn to write in a more detailed or personal or engaging way, and learn to self-edit to add details or engaging content and clarify what they mean
- self-edit their writing in terms of grammar, syntax and punctuation, for clarity
- stay or become more motivated to continue writing or working on their project
- become better communicators in written form and (if applicable) verbally
- improve their writing in general and their particular piece of writing or story specifically, and improve their ability to self-edit and edit their writing
- benefit from the improved wellbeing that results from the coaching journey
- continue to work towards their short-term and longer-term goals.
We do not charge NDIS participants for the initial stages of working out specific needs and goals or arranging initial meetings with the coach on our team who best matches your specific needs and goals. We do not charge for working out which NDIS item applies to the coaching supports you need, working out estimated costs or writing the service agreement.
If you agree to the service agreement then the coaching commences and we start charging you for the actual hours of coaching provided.
Our coaches
Our small coaching team is diverse in terms of being gender diverse (LGBTQI+), neurodiversity, disabledness, and ethnicity. Our editor coaches are qualified editors and professional members of IPEd who are highly experienced in editing and coaching in professional writing and self-editing. Our storyteller scribes/coaches consult with our clients to listen to and document oral histories then work with them to self-edit the manuscript.
Sally-Anne Watson Kane is the supervisor and coordinator of our coaching team. When you contact Sally-Anne to say you need a coach, she will spend some time working out your specific needs and goals, and choose the coach on our team who she thinks is the best match. She then arranges a Zoom meeting between you and her chosen coach to see whether you and that coach “click” and want to work together. If you do, she finalises the service agreement and coaching can commence. If you don’t, she chooses another coach for you to meet with to see if you want to work together.
All the coaches on our team live in Australia, have signed a confidentiality agreement with us, and are listed and described here.
Contact us about our coaching support or rates here.
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