
Buibere – volumes 1 and 2. Self-published oral histories of 22 East Timorese women, in Tetun and English

Acknowledgement Sally-Anne Watson Kane would like to acknowledge and thank her mentor, friend and bi'in, ita bo'ot Veronica Pereira, for the professional and cultural assistance and support she pr...

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‘Their life, their times’ by Tony Taylor (self-published book)

On Time Typing, Editing and Proofreading produced the following book, which was self-published July 2021, for our Victoria-based client, author Tony Taylor: Copyright: Tony Taylor 2021 Titl...

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Increased learning opportunities for rural and remote Australians since COVID-19

One of the positive responses to COVID-19 was the immediate and widespread use of online platforms (Zoom, Webex, Whats App, GoogleTeams etc.) for workshops, seminars, meetings and discussions. T...

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Do you need help to get your life story or memoir written?

Everyone has a story, but not everyone is a natural writer or wishes to write their story down themselves. Some people are better at talking than writing, so they want to tell their story and get s...

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