Writing family histories: what genre to use?
The genre you choose when embarking on writing about a personal or family history will depend on your writing skill, style or preference, and possibly also on the amount of factual information yo...
Structural or developmental editing – what is it?
Once a manuscript has been written and self-edited by the writer to the stage where they feel they can't improve it any more themselves, it needs to be edited by a professional editor. Structura...
Positive outcomes of documenting life stories for people with PTSD
I have over twenty years' experience in documenting and producing self-published books of stories and oral histories of people who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The sources of ...
‘Hold your head up high’ by Garry Chippindall (dec)
Garry Chippindall began writing his memoir in 1999 when diagnosed with cancer. He sought help from life story writer Sally-Anne Watson Kane (owner/operator of OTTEP), and began regular scribing ses...
Buibere – volumes 1 and 2. Self-published oral histories of 22 East Timorese women, in Tetun and English
Acknowledgement Sally-Anne Watson Kane would like to acknowledge and thank her mentor, friend and bi'in, ita bo'ot Veronica Pereira, for the professional and cultural assistance and support she pr...
Why don’t you use your next “holiday break” to start writing that book?
Whether you're staying at home or going away, why don't you use your next holiday break to tell or write your story, or at least to get a start on writing your story? (Then, later on, you can pub...
Writers and editors: rules for managing vicarious trauma
If you are about to launch into an activity or project that involves working or dealing with people who have suffered or are suffering from violence or abuse, you are at risk of suffering vicarious...
Editing oral history publications
The first stage of editing oral history transcripts is described at: Editing oral history transcripts. After that initial editing stage has been completed, oral histories intended for publication ...