
Do you need your memoir manuscript typed? For storytellers or hand-writers.

If you want to tell or write your story and get it made into a book, but cannot use a computer, you may want your manuscript typed up for you. The below advice might help you if you (a) want to ...

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Our approach to coaching clients in writing and self-editing

Our approach to coaching clients in writing and self-editing depends on each writer's goals and support needs. In general our approach is as follows. Our approach to coaching you (the writer) Fir...

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Six steps for producing your self-published memoir

If you want to write and publish a book about your life, or part of your life, you will need to follow some simple steps: 1. Writing the story - or telling the story verbally. 2. Manuscript assessm...

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Writing and editing online publications: tips for better readability

Here are a few tips for writing, editing and designing easy-to-read online content for e-books, blogs, websites or other electronic publications. Frontloading Multiple entry points into the...

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Sally-Anne Watson Kane’s professional development in writing and editing

Professional development: writing and editing non-fiction, memoir, poetry, fiction Sally-Anne's Professional memberships professional member of Institute of Professional Editors (IPEd). pr...

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Poetry writers: refining your poem using the read-aloud method

When you write a poem from scratch, it can come out pretty good, or it can come out a bit of a mess. Either way, what you end up with is a draft - not a finished poem. To get the message of your...

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How to become a freelance copy editor (in Australia)

What qualifications does a freelance copy editor need? If you're good at writing and enjoy correcting other people's writing, have a really good knowledge of syntax, grammar, spelling and punctuat...

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Self-publishing a printed book – what’s best for you: traditional printing, or POD printing?

Once your book is designed (typeset) - both cover and inside pages - and is ready to be printed, you need to send it to the printer. There are two main types of printers of hardcopy books: ...

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Portfolio: all the self-published memoirs, life stories and family histories we’ve produced

We have produced the below life stories for our clients, as self-published books. They include autobiographies, memoirs, family histories, and books of memoir-based poetry. They include books that ...

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Tips for constant computer users: how to prevent eye strain

If you use a computer (or laptop, IPad or any screen) for long hours your eyes are  working overtime. Here's how to make sure you are not over-straining your eyes when working on screens, so they ...

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