Portfolio: all the self-published memoirs, life stories and family histories we’ve produced
Sally-Anne Watson Kane .
27 May 2024

We have produced the below life stories for our clients, as self-published books. They include autobiographies, memoirs, family histories, and books of memoir-based poetry. They include books that the authors have written, and books we have scribed/written based on the authors’ verbal stories.
Publications currently in process (mid-2024)
- Memoir of a Torres Strait Islander man living in the NT: documenting oral histories by he and his family members and friends, writing and editing.
- Memoir by a woman living in Gippsland VIC. Developmental (structural) editing.
- We have a team of editor coaches, coaching and editing for the following writers who intend to self-publish: a Queensland writer (memoir); a NSW writer (memoir); a Gippsland writer (family history); an Adelaide writer from a non-English speaking background (stories and poems); and from various states, seven writers who are self-editing their memoirs and three writers who are self-editing their novels (some of these are NDIS participants).
Self-published memoirs and life stories produced to date:
- Good night sweet prince. Author: David W G Witts. 150 pp. Large format hardcover (casebound), print. Memoir-based poetry: a journey through the mosaic that is life, including “love, grief, despair, ecstasy, tragedy, and – in all its terror and beauty – mundanity, with occasional glimpses of the essence of life that makes everything worthwhile…” All artwork by David W G Witts. Edited and produced collaboratively with On Time Typing Books and Life Stories (editor and publishing consultant Sally-Anne Watson Kane and designer Claire McGregor). ISBN 978-0-6486485-0-5. 1. Poetry collection. 2. Autobiography and memoir. Self-published in print by (C) 2024 David W G Witts.
- Among the Wildflowers. Co-authors: Delia Tobin, Seamus Foley and Sally-Anne Watson Kane. 96 pp, print. Memoir-based poetry about life, love, family and nature in Ireland and South-Eastern Victoria. The three poets edited one another’s poems and produced this book with the support of On Time Typing Books and Life Stories production team. Self-published in print under the imprint of On Time Typing Books and Life Stories. (C) 2023 Delia Tobin, (C) 2023 Seamus Foley and (C) 2023 Sally-Anne Watson Kane.
- Whanau adventures. Author: Shirley Reynolds, 2022. 32 pp, print. Illustrated children’s picture book based on memoir/family and cultural stories and knowledge. Based on consultations with author (storytelling) and handwritten story to printed book stage (including typing, editing, design, proofreading and printer liaison) by On Time Typing, Editing and Proofreading (On Time Typing Books and Life Stories). Self-published by (C) 2022 Shirley Reynolds.
- Monty – The amazing adventures of Montague Richard Leverson: political idealist, architect of colourful practices, black sheep, and a crank on all sorts of subjects. Author: Tony Taylor, 2022. 146 pp, hardcover, print. Biography of the colourful M R Leverson. Produced from manuscript to printed book stage (editing, design, proofreading and printer liaison) by On Time Typing, Editing and Proofreading (On Time Typing Books and Life Stories). Self-published by (C) 2022 Tony Taylor.
- The Dark Door. Author: Shirley Reynolds, 2021. 32 pp, print. Memoir: poems and stories based on the author’s own experiences; themes include the dark side of life. Produced from consultations with author (spoken word) and handwritten story to printed book stage (typing, editing, design, proofreading and printer liaison) by On Time Typing, Editing and Proofreading (On Time Typing Books and Life Stories). Self-published by (C) 2021 Shirley Reynolds.
- Bright Lights. Author: Shirley Reynolds, 2021. 120 pp., print. Memoir, short stories, poems; themes include animals, nature, family. Produced from consultations with author (spoken word) and handwritten story to printed book stage (typing, editing, design, proofreading and printer liaison) by On Time Typing, Editing and Proofreading (On Time Typing Books and Life Stories). Self-published by (C) 2021 Shirley Reynolds.
- Their lives, their times. Author: Tony Taylor, 2021. 400 pp, hardcover, print. Family history of the various branches of McCaughey, Taylor, Rantzen, Meyer, Leverson and Green families. Produced from manuscript to printed book stage (editing, design, proofreading and printer liaison) by On Time Typing, Editing and Proofreading (On Time Typing Books and Life Stories). Self-published by (C) 2021 Tony Taylor.
- Hold your head up high. Author: Garry Chippindall (dec), 2021. 452 pp., print. Memoir: themes include childhood in the bush (Australia) 1950s-60s, Vietnam War, PTSD, family and love. Produced from consultations with author (spoken word) and handwritten notes, to printed book stage (typing, editing, design, proofreading and printer liaison) by On Time Typing, Editing and Proofreading (On Time Typing Books and Life Stories). Self-published by (C) 2021 Sally Barlee.
- My Story. Author: Shirley Reynolds, 2020, print. Memoir about the author’s childhood in New Zealand and adult life in Australia. Themes include childhood, family, bipolar disorder, violence, and love. Produced from consultations with author (spoken word) and handwritten story to printed book stage (typing, editing, design, proofreading and printer liaison) by On Time Typing, Editing and Proofreading (On Time Typing Books and Life Stories). Self-published by (C) 2020 Shirley Reynolds.
- A life: I am what I am, Author (written + oral): Joan Sammon. Memoir/ poetry/ essays of themes including child sexual abuse, mental illness, life as a gay woman, and the best medicine: laughter. Produced from handwritten story and consultations with author (spoken word) – including typing, editing, design, proofreading and printer liaison – by On Time Typing, Editing and Proofreading. Self-published in print by Peewee Press (now On Time Typing Books and Life Stories). ISBN -13:978-1-921216-02-2. Barcode 9 781921 216022. (C) 2019 Joan Sammon.
- Riding the bumps with a grin… At Crib Point! History of the Mornington Peninsula Magpies. Author: Michael Cusick. 400 pp, print. Local history of Crib Point Football and Netball Club. Produced from handwritten document to printed book stage (including typing, editing, design, proofreading and printer liaison) by by On Time Typing, Editing and Proofreading (On Time Typing Books and Life Stories). ISBN -13:978-0-646-80244-2. Self-published by (C) 2019 Michael Cusick.
- 100-Up – From Here to Here – Trafalgar Bowls Club Inc 1915 – 2015. Compilers: Joanne Savige and Graham J Hill, 2015. Local history. Edited, designed and produced by On Time Typing, Editing and Proofreading. Proofread by Trafalgar Bowls Club (TBC). Self-published by Peewee Press (now On Time Typing Books and Life Stories). ISBN: -13:978-1-921216-01-5. (C) 2015 Trafalgar Bowls Club Inc.
- Rocket Power. Author: Evie Watson, 2011. Poetry; 17 memoir-based poems by about tree ferns, rockets, Darwin, caterpillars, bats and more. Cover design by Darren Kane. Produced by On Time Typing, Editing and Proofreading. Self-published by (C) 2011 Evie Watson.
- Sharing our Stories – Territory Women 2005 – 2006. Authors (spoken word): Anthology of oral histories by 7 Territorian women, 2005-06. Typed and edited by On Time Typing, Editing and Proofreading. Compiled by Sally-Anne Watson [Kane] and Susan Foster, 2006. Sponsored by YWCA of Darwin Inc. Self-published by Peewee Press (now On Time Typing Books and Life Stories). ISBN 1-921216-00-X. (C) 2006 YWCA.
- Buibere: Lian Feto Timor Lorosa’e Nian, vol. 2 (in Tetun language). Compiler: Sally-Anne Watson [Kane]. 22 oral histories including updated information recorded and transcribed in Timor Leste in 2001. Anthology of oral histories of 22 East Timorese women recorded in 1999 and in 2001. Produced by Sally-Anne Watson Kane. Editors: Sally-Anne, Rosalia Soares and Manuela Leong Pereira. Designer: Gonzalo Pinto. Self-published by Fokupers. ISBN 0_646_41719_3. (C) 2001 Fokupers (on behalf of the 22 storytellers).
- Buibere: Voice of East Timorese Women, vol. 1. Compiler: Sally-Anne Watson Kane under pseudonym ‘Rebecca Winters’. Anthology of 22 oral histories, recorded/scribed in Timor Leste in 1998. Edited, compiled and produced by Sally-Anne Watson [Kane], working closely with Timorese translators to translate the Tetun/Portuguese testimonies into English. Introduction by Bishop Belo, who was later awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Self-published in print by ETISC. ISBN 0_9577329_3_7. (C) 1999 held by each oral storyteller.
- East Timor Interviews Recorded November 1998. Compiler: Sally-Anne Watson [Kane]. Anthology of 11 oral histories recorded/scribed by Sally-Anne in Timor Leste in 1998. Edited, compiled and produced by Sally-Anne Watson [Kane], working closely with Timorese translators to translate the Tetun/Portuguese testimonies into English. Self-published in print by Sally-Anne Watson [Kane] 2001. (C) 1999 held by each oral storyteller.
- Children of the Resistance. Author: Sally-Anne Watson [Kane] under the pseudonym ‘Rebecca Winters and Brian Kelly’. Creative memoir (partly based on oral histories) of Sally-Anne’s experiences and the stories she was told in Timor Leste, 1996. Edited, designed and produced by Martin Goreing/Sally-Anne. Self-published by AFFET. ISBN 0_646_30388_0. (C) 2006 Sally-Anne Watson [Kane]/AFFET.
For queries about any of the above publications, please Contact us and we will answer your request or refer you to the copyright owner/s.
For a list of all the books we have produced, go to: All the self-published books we have produced.
For more information go to: On Time Typing Books and Life Stories.
Facebook: “Like” us at Books and Life Stories.
Image: Copyright SW Kane.
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