
Audio transcription programs and tools

To produce transcripts yourself, you need a transcription program, headset (earphones) and footpedal. If you're shopping around for an audio transcription program, make sure you do some research...

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Proofreading the printer’s final ‘proof’

Once you have submitted your proofread manuscript to the printer, there is one proofreading task left to do. The final 'proof' When your manuscript is in the printer's system and ready for printi...

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Self-publishing: file formats from writing to proofreading

Most manuscripts are written and edited in MS Word or other word processing programs. Sometimes they are written in or another program, but editors usually like them converted into Word...

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Getting started on your editing career

To get started as an editor you'll need two things: an editing qualification, and editing experience. Becoming a member of a professional body such as, in Australia, Institute of Professional Edito...

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Do you want to be an editor?

Every now and then I receive an email or phone query something like this: "I have always loved reading and writing and I have proofread my brother's (or sister's) essay/resume. I don't have any exp...

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Recommended online editing courses in Australia

If you wish to pursue a career as an editor but don't yet have any editing qualifications, or would like to add to your editing qualifications, you can undertake an editing course - either on-site ...

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