News update: self-publishing and other projects we’re working on
22 May 2022
Our team has been pretty busy during May, working on ongoing projects and creating new ones. This has involved Sally-Anne going to Darwin where she met clients, our typists (contractors), and colleagues. She then returned to our main office based in Gippsland.
Sally-Anne and the team continue to work on our current projects which are:
- continuing the latter stages of producing our return client Shirley Reynolds’ (in SA) next self-published book, a memoir/cultural story
- editing a memoir/local history of a region in the Top End of the NT, which was written by two local NT authors
- guiding/mentoring a young writer (including doing a structural edit of a portion of his manuscript) from Far North Queensland
- commencing an exciting oral history/memoir project in the NT
- small ‘jobs’ and referral of small jobs (e.g. resumes) to our contractors based in NT, QLD, VIC and SA.
- transcripts for our business clients in Melbourne VIC and Darwin NT
- finding a new contractor in Darwin (who will soon join our team).
Note: most of the authors in the above projects have not been named for privacy reasons, because their books have not yet been published. If you would like more information about our role in these self-publishing projects (while still respecting our clients’ privacy and ownership of those projects) please contact us via phone here.)