New service: beta reading your manuscript

Beta reading

On Time Typing is proud to announce we now have a team of beta readers and offer beta reading services across Australia.

Our beta readers are avid readers and proficient in reading and analysing novels and other types of manuscripts, and writing reports. They will read your manuscript, review it, then produce a written report addressing our criteria which will provide you with the feedback you need to look at your manuscript with fresh eyes and some suggestions for improvement.

The age groups covered by our beta reader team range from 25 to 65 years. They live in Victoria, Northern Territory and Queensland.So far, our beta readers are all female. We are looking at expanding our team to include male beta readers as well and will keep you posted about that.

Our beta readers are not editors. If you require a manuscript appraisal or editing services, our qualified editors can do that for you.

If you’d like more information about our beta reading services, call On Time Typing at 0419 337 824.

Image: Pixabay Creative Commons Licence (no attribution required).