
FAQs about: beta reading, manuscript assessment, and structural or developmental editing

1. What is the most helpful - (A) a beta read, or (B) a manuscript assessment, or developmental or structural edit? (a) A beta read... Beta reading can be helpful in assisting you to know the fl...

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Comparing editors’ quotes when managing a project

Depending on the size of your project, and whether you are working for yourself or an employer, you may choose to: obtain a quote from only one editor, or request a quote from two or three...

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The best way to produce accurate minutes

The main goal of minute-taking (or 'scribing') a meeting is to accurately record and clearly present the proceedings and outcomes of the meeting. Accurate minutes are necessary for meeting atten...

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Writers and editors: symptoms of vicarious trauma

Writers and editors who work with traumatic material (i.e. stories involving descriptions of traumatic events) can suffer 'vicarious trauma'. That is, although they are not the victim of the trauma...

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Writers and editors: rules for managing vicarious trauma

If you are about to launch into an activity or project that involves working or dealing with people who have suffered or are suffering from violence or abuse, you are at risk of suffering vicarious...

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Recovering from vicarious trauma: an editor’s case study

Recently, I woke up to discover I was falling slowly into a pit. I have been there before, several times, many years ago. The difference now is that I know its name: vicarious trauma. And I k...

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Choosing the best editor for your project

When choosing an editor for your project you need to make sure the editor is professional, has the right experience, is recommended by referees, understands the exact task, provides you with a writ...

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