“Rough” copy editing explained
Copy editing is the final stage of editing prior to the graphic design stage. Copy editing comprises: the "rough" copy edit (sometimes referred to as the first pass of the copy edit, or the...
Structural or developmental editing – what is it?
Once a manuscript has been written and self-edited by the writer to the stage where they feel they can't improve it any more themselves, it needs to be edited by a professional editor. Structura...
Proofreading resumes and reports
When people want an editor to review their resume or report to ensure it is well-presented and to correct any errors in punctuation, grammar or spelling, they usually say they need their document...
Do you have what it takes to be a good proofreader?
To proofread at the high level needed for publications, a proofreader must have: a keen eye for detail and the ability to notice tiny errors training as an editor or proofreader; i.e. excel...
Resumes – if they’re worth writing, they’re worth proofreading
Why is it important for someone to proofread your resume? Proofreading * your resume is particularly important if you intend to apply for jobs that require good writing skills or attention to deta...
Collaborative poetry editing
Poems are personal and subjective. The best way to edit someone else's poem, or collection of poems, is to edit it (a) not making actual corrections to the poem but, rather, suggest improvements or...
Increased learning opportunities for rural and remote Australians since COVID-19
One of the positive responses to COVID-19 was the immediate and widespread use of online platforms (Zoom, Webex, Whats App, GoogleTeams etc.) for workshops, seminars, meetings and discussions. T...
Confidentiality, and debriefing, when editing sensitive or explicit material
Maintaining confidentiality If you're working in a position where you've got access to your clients' private information (such as their life stories or researched information), it's essential to m...
Why don’t you use your next “holiday break” to start writing that book?
Whether you're staying at home or going away, why don't you use your next holiday break to tell or write your story, or at least to get a start on writing your story? (Then, later on, you can pub...
The steps of producing a self-published hardcopy book
The steps of producing a self-published hardcopy book are: writing and self-editing (including, possibly, beta reading and/or MS appraisal) editing graphic design proofreading, then p...