What’s on at On Time Typing, Editing and Proofreading


We’re back on track after our ‘isolation week’ and really busy this week and over the next couple of months.

Our current and upcoming projects are as follows.

Editing: We’ve recently done a structural edit of a memoir by a client; we previously produced transcripts of their oral histories, and they  used those transcripts as the basis of their memoir. They are currently going through our suggestions and adding more detail, and rewriting certain sections where needed, and will send it back to us once finished. We’ll then give it a bit of a review, then if it’s ready, conduct a copy edit.

Graphic design/typesetting: We are designing a series of three non-fiction books for a client; we are about half way through this job, which requires a fair amount of to-ing and fro-ing liaison to get it ‘just right’.

Editing: We have just begun a structural edit of a NT memoir/history. Our Darwin typist Natalie met the author and worked with them on the initial stages which involved sorting out and tagging photographs, prior to the editing stage. We expect to be working on the structural edit, and consulting with the client about certain issues, over the next month.

Scribing: We have booked in sessions with one of our NDIS-funded clients to ‘type while they speak’ – thereby acting as their ‘typing fingers’ – to produce the study notes required to prepare for their upcoming examination. We will also be their official scribe during two examinations to take place in March 2022.

Coaching/editing: We are liaising with another NDIS-funded client to create a plan for coaching and assisting them to write their memoir, to help their healing and ability to live with their PTSD.

Editing/compiling: We are working with another NDIS-funded client to edit and compile a story involving all their family members.

Transcripts: We are currently producing some transcripts for a client.

Editing poetry: We have a project booked in for April/May: editing a poetry book.

Poetry competition judging: Sally-Anne Watson Kane is currently the judge  of a poetry competition run by Gippsland Writers. It has been a wonderful experience to read everyone’s poems. She has assessed all the poems and is will shortly make her final decision as to the winner and runners up.